CBD-Infused Bath Bombs Should Be Your Next DIY Project

CBD-Infused Bath Bombs Should Be Your Next DIY Project

With cold days sneaking up right around the corner, the extra time spent inside is a perfect opportunity to dive into some DIY self-care projects. What better way to decompress after a long day than to mellow out in a hot tub full of bubbles and essential oils. Add a good book, bath bomb, and candles to make it even more relaxing.

If this sounds like your kind of thing, you should consider using CBD oil in your baths. To truly pamper yourself, adding a CBD bath bomb can make all the difference. Making your own CBD bath bombs is an easy and creative way to turn a bath into a spa.

A Delightful Addition to Self-Care Days

Bath bombs are already a great way to transform bathwater into a moisture-rich concoction that leaves skin supple and silky. They work by cleansing your skin while soothing it.

Self-care is taken to the next level when introducing CBD oil and traditional bath bomb ingredients. It takes center stage as a new way to pamper yourself on the days in between the daily grind. Overall, they work like regular bath bombs would; just dissolve one in a warm bath and soak.

How CBD Enters the Body

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) contains cannabinoid receptors that react to cannabinoids, such as CBD. Topical application methods, such as bath bombs, let the CBD penetrate through skin cells where cannabinoid receptors are located.

The base amount of CBD oil for a bath bomb starts at a small dose of 25 milligrams. A midsized dose between 50-100 milligrams of CBD oil can be good for those who want to try to get relief from pain or anxiety symptoms. For a more intense effect, add up to 200 milligrams of CBD oil per bath bomb, which can result in a very calming soak.

It is suggested to stay in the tub for at least 15-20 minutes for the CBD to take effect. There is no limit on soak time; just sit back and enjoy.

If you choose to add CBD to your bath, you might experience some anti-inflammatory effects. It is important to mention that with any wellness trend, you should do your research to see if it’s something that can potentially work for you.

How CBD Enters the Body

Why It Works

When the citric acid and baking soda are combined with water, they undergo a chemical reaction. This is what produces a bath bomb’s prominent fizz when added to your bath.

To control how long the CBD bath bomb fizzes, play with the cornstarch levels, as the ratio slows down the chemical reaction. You don’t want your product to dissolve too fast or too slow.

Bath-Time Essentials Make Great Gifts

CBD bath bombs also make for a great, easy-to-make gift of relaxation. Adding the CBD oil is not hard to do. Whether you want to make these bath bombs as gifts or as a special something for those days when you want to give yourself a little extra love, here’s how to do it:

Directions for Homemade CBD Bath Bombs

CBD oil can be found at a headshop. There are many different strains to choose from. The rest of the components are easy-to-find everyday items.

This process tends to be a bit messy, so be prepared to get your hands dirty.


  • Disposable Gloves
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Bath Bomb Mould
  • Kitchen Scale
  • Whisk

Dry Ingredients

  •   2 Cups Baking Soda
  •  1½ Cups Cornstarch
  •  ½ Cup Epson Salt 
  • 1 Cup of Citric Acid

Liquid-Based Ingredients

  •  2-4 Tablespoons Water
  • CBD Infused Oil
  • A Base Oil (Such as Coconut Oil)
  • Gel/Paste Food Colouring (Desired Color of Final Product)
  • Favourite Essential Oils

Step 1: Mixing Wet Ingredients

Start by melting the coconut oil or another base oil into a liquid and adding it into the mixing bowl with the rest of the wet ingredients. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature, so it is recommended to put it in the microwave for a few seconds. Stir all ingredients thoroughly.

After this step, add your favourite essential oils for aroma. For a good night-time blend, you can use a blend of oils, such as lavender and eucalyptus. Both have calming properties and smell fantastic.

As far as food colouring goes, keep in mind that CBD oil is very yellow and will influence the appearance of the final product. If colour is something that is important to you, using more food colouring can help bring out vibrance and upscale the overall look.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Moulding the Bath Bombs

Step 2: Mixing Wet and Dry Ingredients Together

Add the liquid mixture to the dry mixture very carefully. Stir and pour gradually. You do not want the solution to fizz up, so take your time. Wisk until there are no clumps.

Moulding the Bath Bombs

When you’re done with the mixture, pack it into the mould as quickly as possible. Press the mixture into the mould firmly. You’ll want to slightly overfill the casting, so there isn’t a gap between the two halves when pressed together.

Think back to your childhood when you packed plastic toy castings with sand to make the ultimate sandcastle.

Once finished, let the CBD bath bombs dry for at least a few hours. It is recommended to leave them overnight if possible to ensure they keep their form.

Removal from the Mould

When fully dried, removing the top half is easy. The bottom half generally comes right off. If the product seems to be stuck, just tap the mould a few times and try again.

This whole process involves about 15 minutes of actual work (not factoring in drying time).

CBD bath bombs can easily be made in batches if you’re trying to tackle a handful at the same time.

Treat Yourself

Mental health and overall well-being should be priorities. No matter how packed your schedule gets, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Even if it’s only for a quick dip, a CBD bath bomb makes all the difference.

The best thing about making them yourself is knowing there are no harmful chemicals or additives.


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